Your Emotions and Your Health
Feelings and emotions are the colours, tastes, and music of your personal and social lives. When you are in touch with your feelings, life is vivid and real. Cut off from your feelings or trapped in toxic relationships, life is felt as dry, hollow, humdrum, and senseless. Do you often feel that you need a fix to keep you up and going? It could be whatever, a cup of coffee, a chat, a cigarette, a drink, music, sex, shopping, travel etc. Never noticed? Imagine a day without any of these, a week, a month ?
Here let us look into how emotions work. Neuroscientist Candace B. Pert PhD in her pioneering research explains that emotions are part of a biochemical information network linking body and brain.
" Every second a massive information exchange is occurring in your body. Imagine each of these messenger systems possessing a specific tone, humming a signature tune, rising and falling, waxing and waning, binding and unbinding, and if we could hear this body music with our ears, then the sum of these sounds would be the music that we call the emotions. My research has shown me that when emotions are expressed - which is to say that the biochemicals that are the substrate of emotions are flowing freely - all systems are united and made whole. When emotions are repressed, denied, not allowed to be whatever they may be, our network pathways get blocked, stopping the flow of vital feel-good unifying chemicals that run both our biology and our behavior." ( from her book "Molecules of emotion" )
There are 2 most important facts that Mind-Body Medicine research ( carried by Dr Hamer, Dr Siegel, Dr Simonton, Lise Bourbeau and others ) has brought to light. First, before you get ANY physical illness, you definitely have suffered a specific emotional damage. And second, until you don't detect and repair that particular emotional damage, the illness cannot be 100% cured.
How does this flow of emotion, this biochemical information network that links our brain and body, break down? After the bumps, bruises, and real traumas of life, unfulfilled wishes, betrayals and disappointments, we learn how to erect barriers to block strong emotions like anger, fear, sadness, grief and loss. On the physical plane, these barriers become our illnesses: high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, premature aging, arthritis, memory malfunction, hormonal disorders, weight problems, sexual disfunctions, impotency/ loss of libido, skin problems, diabetes, cancer or any others. It is vitally important for your health to hear, recognize and honor the full range of emotional messages flowing through your body. The other side effect of this blocking strategy occurs on the emotional plane. It is impossible to block only negative feelings. The same barriers prevent us from feeling the FULL range of feelings, including pleasure, happiness, and joy. By the age of 40, we are squeezed into the narrowed band of feelings which not only limits us individually, it also restricts our ability to connect with other people. It can leave us isolated, lonely and unable to create and sustain intimacy. If we just let the matters stay as they are, they tend to spiral in the wrong direction over time. Pressure builds within the psyche and we become over-reactive, apt to fly off the handle by reacting to situations with too much force. Bottling up emotion also agitates or dulls the mind and it loses clarity. The extreme case of that is bipolar disorder. We almost always are acutely aware of the pressure, but often do not have any clue what causes it and how to get rid of it.
And there is one factor that keeps us locked in this vicious cycle. The narrowed band of feeling creates a kind of 'mental software', a set of beliefs and labels, that acts as a filter for your perception and do not let you make the 100% correct evaluation of people and situations. In fact, it works to attract negative experiences and personalities into your life, replaying the similar experiences from your past; it pushes you into taking the decisions that keep you locked in the same cycle. So, how safe are you ? How safe is your business ? How safe is your family life? How safe is any of your relationships?
There is only one tool that can be used to repair this damage and this is YOUR MIND. That's why this EMOTIONAL DETOXIFICATION PROGRAM was launched. It shows you how to use your mind to repair the broken flow of emotion, to clear away the toxins of negative experiences and the residue of toxic relationships. How to return to FULL RANGE of feelings SAFELY. Basically, how to be whole, happy and healthy.
This program is an online coaching course that does not use hypnosis, psychoanalysis or NLP. This is not a motivational course. It is a training course showing how to use your mind to repair the damaged flow of emotion. It will not be necessary to disclose any details of your private life and circumstances to your coach. The coach will use the discoveries of the world's leading psychologists and documented experience of millions of people just like you to show you what exactly is wrong with you and how you can repair the damage.The Program consists of the Initial Assessment followed by 3-5 conversational sessions online or via email exchange, as it would be mutually preferred. During these conversations the coach and client will be taking notes which will become a Personal Program Workbook to be used for future review and practice.
One of the immediate benefits of this program is the decrease of 25 – 40% in the stress level. The clients are expected to continue practising to reach the complete recovery.
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