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Saturday, 9 June 2012

Your Assignments, Reports, Thesis -- Academic Writing for Science & Technology.

  Many students who are studying  Science, IT, Technology, and Engineering face problems writing  a paper in a good academic style without grammar and vocabulary errors. To those who want to write well, we suggest to explore the 3 links given below to develop their writing skills.

  1. Writing Guidlines for Engineering and Science Students
  2. A Course in Analytical Writing for Science and Technology
  3. Manchester University Phrasebank

  These sites provide a wealth of knowledge for self-study.
  Of course, it is essential to have a teacher to check your assignments carefully and show you what is wrong and how to correct it. Each student makes different errors and needs a different guidance to learn well and fast. However, self-study makes you better prepared for the sessions with a teacher. You can get  much more benefit from them if you have studied on your own before that.
  Usually, 3 or 4 sessions of The Intensive Writing Workshop at Lingua Lab are enough to enable a student to perform the task of writing his/her academic papers much better.

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